Pursuant to the Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising released in 2009 by the United States Federal Trade Commission, iHealth Fulfillment requires all of its affiliates to comply with these guidelines. Failure of compliance can result to the removal of affiliates from the program.
For strict compliance of affiliates, all are required to meet four basic requirements:- Frequent: Your disclosure must explicitly state that you receive compensation for the promotion, in any way, of any product or service, which may include reviews, rankings, comments, or any other form of recommendation.
- Clear: You must clearly state that you receive compensation for publishing any post or article that mentions a product or service. Never make the false claim of not receiving any form of compensation for any affiliate program.
- Conspicuous: All disclosures made must be easily seen and understood. Any such disclosure statements must begin with the word, “Disclosure.”
- Require No Action: A user must not be required to make any action to learn or read of your disclosure. All disclosures must be readily readable and evident on relative posts.